As Bilge İnoks, we have the belief that our valuable employees are and will continue to be our most important resource in reaching today and achieving our future goals. We aim to achieve all our goals with the contribution of our employees, by focusing on growth, development and pioneering innovative approaches in the industrial kitchen equipment sector, which is our field of work. Our Human Resources Policy has been established based on the principle of equality and justice, without making any discrimination among employees. Within this framework, recruitment, remuneration, promotion and other rights are determined. During the recruitment process, suitability for the job is evaluated on the basis of knowledge and experience, without any discrimination on language, religion, race or gender. The first step towards becoming new members of our family is taken by making employment contracts with the people who are most suitable for the job description. Our new colleagues are included in the orientation process, so they can easily adapt to the job and the working environment. In order to contribute to the development of our employees, all kinds of support are provided for the trainings needed. Training plans are created and implemented by taking into account the demands of the personnel regarding their training needs. As one of the indicators of the value we place on our employees, trainings on occupational safety are carried out meticulously. In addition, in order to prevent work accidents, the use of protective equipment has been ensured and additional protective measures have been taken in the machines.